Wednesday, September 22, 2010


A giant, seriously?!
Well... I figure 6'8" is close enough.

Sometimes I forget just how tall I look to others.

In the end, it is a blessing and a curse. There is a certain amount of respect that comes with being this tall while working in the land of 11-14 year olds.

On the other hand, I have to be careful how I come across. Being freakishly tall sometimes causes students to take their time warming up to me.

It does provide for some interesting conversations!

student - "You're tall"
Mr. F - "You're observant."
student - "Did you play basketball?"
Mr. F - "Nope, are you a jockey?"

Sometimes it even leads to cross-curricular lessons. Here is a typical one on proportions.

"You have big feet, Mr. Farnham."
"Yes, I do, but if they were small then I would fall over all the time! It's all about balance kids!"

One thing is for sure... it makes me hard to forget! :)

-Mr. F

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