In an effort to bridge the gap between the generations, let me present to you the Farnham Teacher-Student Dictionary.
Unfortunately, as culture is constantly changing, some of these words and phrases may no longer be valid in a couple of years. Teenagers have a highly developed skill for developing new ways to say the same old thing!
One last caveat, some of the following entries may be particular to the teenage group located at Kenneth Cooper Middle School. Do not be alarmed if your students have no idea what you are trying to say.
Ballin' - (verb) to play basketball well or to live rich
"The teachers be ballin' against those 8th graders every year!"
"He think he ballin' with that fake watch!!!"
Beast/Beastie/Beastly/Beasted - (noun, verb, adjective) to dominate, be good at something, or to be superior
"Man... Ken is beast at Black Ops."
"Cooper beasted on Hefner at the football game last night."
"This pizza is beast."
Catch the hands - (verb) to get smacked or punched in the face
"You're gonna catch the hands if you don't stop talking about my momma!"
Cold - (adjective) better than cool
"That's a cold jacket."
Chunk up the deuce - (verb) a greeting in the form of a sideways peace sign. (Not to be confused with the bathroom #2 or what monkeys do at the zoo.) ;)
"I saw my friend leaving the store, so I chunked up the deuce."
Fresh - (adjective, noun) to be cool or have good style, to flirt
"I dress so fresh and clean."
"Are you trying to get fresh with me?"
Get my name outta your mouth! - phrase meaning "don't talk about me;" often given as a reason for arguing/fighting
"You better get my name outta your mouth. You don't know me!"
"What was all that yelling about?" "She wouldn't get my name outta her mouth!"
I do me. You do you. - phrase meaning "stay out of my business"
"I'm tired of listening to your mouth, so how about this... I do me and you do you."
I'm straight - (adjective, verb) to be ok or fine with a situation, or to tell the truth
"I'm sorry I ran out of cookies." "That's ok, I'm straight."
"Listen to me. I'll tell it to you straight."
Irky - (adjective, adverb) to be annoy or bother to the point frustration
"LEAVE MY BINDER ALONE! Why gotta be so irky?"
"Go on with your irky self!"
Lockin' - (verb) Formerly a dance invented in the 70's; now a term for fighting.
"You better shut your mouth, or we gonna be lockin'."
"If you see Bob, tell him we are going to lock."
On me/On my momma/On God - a phrase meaning "I promise"; a swear or oath used when you're trying to be serious and no one believes you.
"On my momma.... that dog jumped out of the bushes and ate my homework!"
Poppin' - (verb) to get something started or as in "what's going on?"
"Let's get this party poppin."
"Hey Ken, what's poppin?"
Roastin' - (verb) to be cleverly make fun of someone or their appearance
Bob - "You calling me fat?! Well, I can lose weight, but you'll still be dumb!"
Ken - "Alright... we roastin' now!"
Sad - (adjective) usually drawn out, as in "Saaaad" - said after witnessing something pathetic or depressing
**pencil in other hand** "I can't find my pencil!" "Saaaad!"
"My girlfriend just dumped my with a text message!" "Saaaad!"
Swag - (noun) your confidence, style, demeanor, or overall reputation
"I'm really diggin' your swag."
"He got killa swag."
Did I miss any good ones? Leave a comment below!