#1 - "Are you committed to your job?"
Well... are you? Do you strive to get better each day? Do you read to get new information about content or styles of teaching? Do you reflect on your interactions with the kids and try to make them meaningful?
Let's be honest. Who wants to work with, much less for, someone that does not put their best effort into what they do?
Soo... as we head into the final weeks of the school year and begin making our summer plans, take some time to to answer this 1st question for yourself. Are you committed to your job and being the best teacher you can be, or do you find excuses to cut corners? Do you blame other people (students, parents, administration) when your class does not go as planned? Do you find faults in the grading and discipline systems to justify lowering your commitment?
As an educator, it would be hypocritical to demand commitment from our students while allowing excuses to lower our own levels of commitment.
...And if you are not committed to your job as a teacher, well, then you owe it to yourself and the kids to get motivated or get out of education.
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