In the article, the author makes the case that modern blockbuster games gain their standing not from ever increasing life-like realism, but more from well-written stories and immersive backdrops.
I agree with the author, and as good game designers should focus on the ambience, so should teachers pay attention to the atmosphere of our classrooms. Techniques and students will come and go, but how they feel about you will last long after the last class bell rings.
Many teachers worry too much about testing, hammering the point so often that kids just block them out even when they are talking about something else. Others fret about how they look to principals and other teachers so much that they will often put on a show about disciplining a student and, in the process, alienate the child as well as other students who witnessed the needless display of power. These are just a few examples of focusing on the looks of your classroom, the "aesthetics."
However, on a deeper level is atmosphere. The essence and backdrop of a classroom. Admittedly, this is much harder to create in reality than with video games. I think the trick to maintaining an engrossing, immersive environment is trying to keep things emotionally level. It can be devastating for the mood of the class to spend too much time at the extremes of silliness or seriousness. The only way to avoid this calamity is by being mindful of it happening and taking steps from swinging too far in any direction.
In the end, if you focus on the relationships (the atmosphere), I believe the growth will take care of itself... even if you don't necessarily see the fruit of your labor in your classroom.
PS - Any and all thoughts, questions, and comments would be appreciated below!
I agree that atmosphere (relationships) is of paramount importance. This is the most frequently used tool in my tool belt. I persoanally agree that if you take the time to build strong relationships you will create a lasting memory that the child may refer back to in their later years. We all know that is how we live on as teachers.