Once again Oklahoma has been brought to a stand-still by a winter storm that probably would not even cause states further north to blink. However, since it does not make sense for most cities in this state to keep a fleet of snow cleaning equipment for the occasional winter storm, the teachers and students must endure these long breaks every few years when they blow through.
The snow day....
...a blessing and a curse for the teacher.
The big misconception is that we teachers enjoy these extra days off.
Don't get me wrong. It is nice to be able to spend some time with my family (Yes, my wife is a teacher too!), but we still have to make the days up eventually. Do not worry tax payers! We are not getting free money to sit around the house. Besides... that is what summer is for!!! ;)
Like most good things, snow days should be taken in moderation. A day or two here and there is no problem, but more than three days in a row off, and things start to get a little bit stale! Ultimately, cabin fever sets in, and you start to run out of things to do. Obscure items on the to-do list start getting marked off only because sitting still becomes annoying after the fourth day without work.
For example, here is a list of things that helped me waste away the time...
-got tax info together
-finished The Guinea Pig Diaries on my Kindle
-watched Star Wars: The Clone Wars with the son
-Insanity workout
-finished Star Wars: Republic Heroes on the Xbox
-was the target while my son practiced his snowball throwing skills
-Insanity workout
-made cookies
-listened to podcasts
-shoveled the driveway
-more Star Wars: Clone Wars with the kiddo
-rearranged the the kitchen
-Insanity workout
-Netflix movie with the wife
-shoveled some more, but had to stop because the snow shovel broke
-finished Fable III on the Xbox (Of course, I saved everybody!)
-kicked the snow around the driveway because I couldn't find a snow shovel to buy
-donuts and groceries with the son
-watched some soccer games on Xbox ESPN
-Insanity workout... again!!!
-buzzed off my hair
-rearranged the living room
-played The Orange Box on my Xbox
I feel like I was sort of productive on my days off, but I am ready to get back school.
What can I say? When you have a calling in life, nothing else fills the void like picking up and answering!
PS - Why yes, I do enjoy my Xbox! :)
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