I was surveying my kingdom as the advisory period was coming to an end when I noticed two boys lazily staring into space. All of sudden a conversation breaks out.
Student A - "I hit my head on the toilet seat this morning."
Student B - **stares. mouth open in disbelief. (...or was it confusion)**
Student A - "Yeah, I was just sitting there. I reached for something and when I sat up... BAM!!!" **chuckles quietly to himself**
Two thoughts crossed my mind.
#1 How exactly does that happen? Were you stretching while taking care of your business and BAM? ....Or did a slightly loose toilet seat go BAM over your head as you tried to pick up your lost property?
#2 Why in the name of God would you admit this in public?
On the way to the buses a boy tried to convert me to his new favorite hobby.
"Mr. Farnham, close your eyes and shake your head really fast. It will make you dizzy and lose your balance."
As excited as that sounded I had to decline the offer. :)
-Mr. F
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