I was thinking the other day about a different kind of favorite. I am talking about the student that you have never had in class, yet you still find them entertaining and engaging to be around. You may only see them in the hallway or during the lunch period. You may only get to talk to them for a few minutes at a time, but they are just as enjoyable as a student that you have in your classroom for weeks or months!
Thinking about it even more makes me realize that this type of student relationship is harder to come by than the inside the classroom relationship. I realize now that this "outside" student relationship actually gets its start with the students inside the classroom. How else does the "stranger" student get to know you except through the comments and perceptions of the kids in your classroom?
In essence, it's all about reputation! Do my students think I am a stuck up snob, a short-fused yeller, a lovable nerd, or any other combinations? As I considered this idea of favorites even more, I began to comprehend the fact that relationships are less about the things I say and more to do with how I make students feel! I can talk a big game, but if I am not careful about my tone of voice, volume, or even body language, then all I say will count for nothing!
Actually, the idea can be applied to the world at large as well. How easy is it to talk big to your colleagues, Sunday school class, or family? Stop talking about being different or being better! Start talking to and treating people better.
Seriously, when is a better time than now?
As for my "outside-of-the-classroom" favorite, I call her Hallway Barbie. While she was in my grade level, I continually saw her with a hall pass going somewhere during class. It got so bad that I told her someone should make a doll based on her, but instead of accessories like earrings or purses, they should give her a full set of hall passes to carry!
At the beginning of the next year, Hallway Barbie had to deal with the loss of a family member. This is something that no child should have to go through and reminded me that sometimes academics have to take a back seat to life issues for a short time.
While other teachers may have seen a trouble maker (and she could be a handful sometimes). I saw a kid that was just trying to have fun and to survive the day-to-day life of middle school. She didn't always make the best decisions, and now that I think about it, a few of our conversations that year were while she was sitting in the office! Hopefully, I gave her someone to talk to without being judgmental.
That's the thing about kids. They are way smarter than they act sometimes. Hallway Barbie didn't need anyone telling her she messed up over and over. She already knew. She, like most students, has her whole life ahead of her and occasionally just needed to be reminded that she was better than the choices and mistakes she made. Kids have the benefit of youth and are better prepared to bounce back from their poor choices, but only if the adults let them move on with life. So.....
Dear Hallway Barbie,
I hope you are enjoying life and things are going well. You are a smart, talented, and beautiful person. I hope you have been learning from your past choices and becoming even better because of it.
And remember, when dealing with drama... step around, not in it! ;)
Mr. F
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